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Mission & Compliance
Your Mortgage Broker was created to help Australians to achieve their property and financial goals.
Combining smart technology with best practice home loan advice and a passion for customer service, we are dedicated to helping you to find the home loan that’s right for you.
Your Mortgage Broker is committed to helping Australians get the most out of their home loans by finding and negotiating the best possible rates.
We believe in partnering with you to guide you through the process, from start to finish.
Your Mortgage Broker is committed to adhere to the highest banking standards by providing fair and responsible lending best practices to our customers and help them navigate the complex financial services landscape. In compliance with the highest industry standards, we’re accredited by the renowned MFAA Mortgage and Finance Accreditation of Australia and FBAA The Leading Professional Association for Finance and Mortgage Brokers certified.
"This Credit Guide contains important information about Your Mortgage Broker, including our fees, charges and commissions, as well as what you can do if you have a complaint about Your Mortgage Broker."
MFAA accreditation
Mortgage and Finance Accreditation of Australia
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